These paintings begin with canvasses that are long and tall and have large central diamonds. The underlying grid is referenced within the central image. The surrounding space is articulated with shapes and lines that move in contrast with the center diamond which is fixed but radiating. The paintings are somewhat symmetrical and include free hand drawing. They are meant to shake a little.
The paintings in this section were completed before Trump became president. Some of them reflect the politics of the democratic primary. Some of them are named after events that were occurring during that time. Notably, there were bombings in several cities. These first four paintings recall these events and have titles that are formal/descriptive in addition to the name of the city where bombings and terrorist attacks were occurring during the period when I was making this work.
2017. Tall Paintings w Diamonds: “New York”, “London”, “Brussels”, “Paris”.
2015. Diamond with Black & Orange (New York).
Acrylic on Canvas.
84H x 24W
2014. New York. Detail.
2015. Diamond w Black & Red (Brussels).
Acrylic on Canvas.
84H x 24W
2015. Diamond w Black & White (London).
Acrylic on Canvas.
84H x 24W
2015. Diamond w Orange & White (Paris) .
Acrylic on Canvas.
84H x 24W
2015. New York, Paris, and Brussels in the studio.
In these paintings you see central diamonds in the midst of a field of energy. Although formally non objective, my thoughts are reflected as I work through the piece..
I have always been interested in politics, both nationally and locally. Often, I listen to the news while I work. During 2016, the Democratic Primaries were heating up. Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton were competing for the nomination. Trump was already telling lies. These paintings reflect the choices I made while thinking about these events.
2016. Tall Diamonds with Feel the Bern and Madame President in the Studio.
2016. Tell the Truth.
Acrylic on Canvas.
60H x 18W
2016. Feel the Bern.
Acrylic on Canvas.
60H x 18W
2016. Madame President.
Acrylic on Canvas.
60H x 18W
2016. Feel the Bern, Mama President, Tell the Truth. .
Each 60H x 18W
In 2016, David Bowie died. He lived in SoHo not far from my loft. I did two paintings while I was listening to his music and thinking about the great style that was a part of Bowie and Iman.
2016. Bowie.
Acrylic on Canvas.
60H x 18W
2016. Iman.
Acrylic on Canvas.
60H x 18W
2016. Feel the Bern, Bowie, and Iman, in the Studio.